Evan EIlis - Latin America 2025 Part II: Dynamics Shaping the Region and the Response of its Security Forces
Dear Colleague:
As we move into 2025, I am proud to share the second of two “look at the region” essays. The first, which I just shared last week, looked at the large number of upcoming elections and other change events in 2025, and the dynamics shaping the region with some specific predictions. As a compliment, the present essay, originally published in Spanish by the Chilean Army War College journal “Ensayos Militares,” and republished in English by Indrastra as an eBook, examines the strategic landscape more specifically from a security perspective and looks at how the region’s armed forces are seeking to adapt to the new challenges.
The work is available for download HERE in ENGLISH:
It is available for download HERE in SPANISH:
The article is available in ENGLISH as an eBook from Indrastra:
It is also available in SPANISH from the journal Ensayos Militares of the Chilean Army War College:
Because this work compliments my strategic outlook for the region for 2025, I am also including again that work here, looking at 2025, elections and specific predictions:
In English for download here:
In Spanish for download here:
In English from Indrastra, at its website:
In Spanish from Infobae, at its website:
Podcasts, Media Appearances, and Radio Shows:
As always, I would also like to share with you my latest media appearances.
These include my weekly segments on the John Batchelor Show, in his special ongoing series on Latin America, The New World Report.
The latest episodes (January 8, 2025) are:
Venezuela: https://audioboom.com/posts/8634699-newworldreport-venezuela-brutality-latin-american-research-professor-evan-ellis-u-s-army-wa
Panama: https://audioboom.com/posts/8634705-newworldreport-panama-under-scrutiny-as-a-security-risk-latin-american-research-professor-evan
Panama 2: https://audioboom.com/posts/8634703-newworldreport-latin-american-research-professor-evan-ellis-u-s-army-war-college-strategic-st
Ecuador: https://audioboom.com/posts/8634701-newworldreport-fragile-ecuador-latin-american-research-professor-evan-ellis-u-s-army-war-col
Website for all Publications:
As always, at my professional website you can access these, and past publications, webinars and podcasts:
Book on China-Latin America:
My latest book, China Engages Latin America: Distorting Development and Democracy, is available through my publisher Palgrave-Macmillan, at:
Please feel free to share this post with a friend or colleague. If you would like to be included in my (always free) distribution list, I welcome the opportunity to include you:
Thank you, as always, for your interest in my work.
R. Evan Ellis, PhD
Latin America Research Professor
U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute
Website: https://revanellis.com