Evan Ellis - Anticipating and Responding to Risks that the new U.S. Foreign Policy Could Accelerate China's Advance in Latin America
Dear Colleague:
I am proud to share with you my latest article, which examines some of the possible unintended strategic consequences of shifts in U.S. foreign policy, including inadvertently facilitating the advance by the PRC in Latin America and the Caribbean, even as the Administration focuses on resisting the PRC and its global advance. These include:
Expanded Latin American Exports to China
Decreased Attractiveness of the U.S. as a Partner
Ceding Space to China in Multilateral Institutions
Espionage Risk with Disaffected Regional Bureaucrats, and
Giving a Boost to Anti-US, Pro-China Regimes
The enclosed work in English and Spanish, explains how each of these possible consequences could occur, in the interest of supporting Administration efforts to anticipate and mitigate such risks as it proceeds with its policy pursuits.
The work is available here, for download, in ENGLISH:
It is also available here, for download, in SPANISH:
The ENGLISH-language article is also available from The Diplomat, which published it:
The SPANISH-language article is available from InfoBAE, which published it:
Podcasts, Media Appearances, and Radio Shows:
As always, I would also like to share with you my latest media appearances. These include my February 28, 2025 interview on the U.S. Army War College “Conversations on Strategy” podcast with Stephanie Crider, on Secretary of State Marco Rubio’s recent trip to Panama and other parts of Central America and the Caribbean:
My recent interviews and podcast also include an in-depth, hour-long (5 segment) interview (in Spanish) with Orlando Viera Blanco, in his broadly followed program "Abogado del Diablo" (the Devil’s Advocate), broadcast on February 22, 2025, examining the dramatic shift in U.S. Policy toward Venezuela, Latin America, and the world more broadly, and its strategic implications:
Segment 1:
Segment 2:
Segment 3:
Segment 4:
Segment 5:
These also include my weekly segments on the John Batchelor Show, in his special ongoing series on Latin America, The New World Report.
The latest episodes (February 27, 2025) are:
Venezuela: https://audioboom.com/posts/8661459-newworldreport-venezuela-shutdown-latin-american-research-professor-evan-ellis-u-s-army-war
Colombia, Argentina: https://audioboom.com/posts/8661463-newworldreport-petro-wobbles-mikei-soars-latin-american-research-professor-evan-ellis-u-s
Mexico: https://audioboom.com/posts/8661462-newworldreport-sheinbaum-the-trump-whisperer-latin-american-research-professor-evan-ellis-u
Panama: https://audioboom.com/posts/8661461-newworldreport-panama-troubles-in-the-copper-mine-latin-american-research-professor-evan-elli
Website for all Publications:
As always, at my professional website you can access these, and past publications, webinars and podcasts:
Latest Book on China-Latin America:
My latest book, China Engages Latin America: Distorting Development and Democracy, is available through my publisher Palgrave-Macmillan, at:
Please feel free to share this post with a friend or colleague. If you would like to be included in my (always free) distribution list, I welcome the opportunity to include you:
Thank you, as always, for your interest in my work.
R. Evan Ellis, PhD
Latin America Research Professor
U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute
Website: https://revanellis.com