Evan Ellis: The Transitional World Order: Implications for Latin America and the Caribbean
With this email, I am proud to share my new think-piece on the current transition underway in the world order, highlighted by Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. The work analyzes the new dynamics in which the legacy liberal order is being challenged by a destructive dynamic between a PRC pursuing its own (largely economically-centered) interests, and a disparate collection of actors empowered by PRC resources, including Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and others…each with their own particular objectives, but all with a vested interest in the weakening of the rule-of-law, transparency, and democratic norms of the legacy order.
The article is available here for download:
It is also available at Global Americans which published it:
You may also be interested in my just-published new book China Engages Latin America: Distorting Development and Democracy? (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2022):
As always, thank you for the opportunity to engage with you through this means. If you find these occasional emails of use, please feel free to share with a friend or colleague, or join my (always free) distribution list.
Evan Ellis
Latin America Research Professor, U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute